Being a reptile lover, you’ll always want to get your beardie out to spend quality time with your pet. Sometimes, you end up with poops all over your lap.

If it were off, you wouldn’t be bothered or frustrated; but if it develops into a habit, you want an answer and solution: why does my bearded dragon poop on me?.

Hence, there can be a variety of reasons why beardies poop on you. If you’re in a hurry, here’s your quick answer!

Why Does My Bearded Dragon Poop On Me? An adult beardie may poop on you out of comfort or nervousness. He also poops if there’s a sudden change of environment or feels fear. Incorrect temperature, lighting setup, or a change in diet will also affect your dragon’s defecation habit & timing; take note of how many times your pet poops on you and what it looks like. 

After knowing the quick answer to the question, why does my bearded dragon poop on me? Let’s discuss further why it is so—and what you can do to prevent it.

If your beardie poops on you, and it doesn’t matter what time of day it is, then let’s first discuss what it means when a bearded dragon poops on you. 

Why Does My Bearded Dragon Poop On Me?

Why Does My Bearded Dragon Poop On Me? (9 Meanings/Reasons)

Most beardies poop at regular intervals if they’re on a regular feeding schedule. If your beardie just had his food, avoid getting it out to spend time. Hence, the best time to get your beardie out of its cage is before offering food or treats.

Nobody enjoys being pooped on by a reptile regularly. Therefore, you should first find the root cause of these behaviors and hopefully prevent them.

The best way is to observe his bathroom habits and routines to judge the worst time holding/handling them. Moreover, you should consider training them to poop inside the tank.

FunFact: Bearded Dragons Can Be Trained To Poop In Its Enclosure! 

It’s not uncommon to notice your pet pooping on you when it feels the need. However, the major causes are stress, fear, or health issues. It’s not a good idea to keep a beardie out of his cage if he is restless or scooting around.

It is usual for adult bearded dragons to poop once or twice a week: but if it is more than that, consider regulating your pet’s diet and feeding schedule. Or you can also visit your preferred vet. Here, you can learn how often a bearded dragon poops & what healthy bearded dragon poop should look like.

Fortunately, beardies’ poop is not considered as dangerous. However, the mess and smell of it can be highly annoying to some. Here’s another article that discloses the solutions and prevention of the bearded dragon poop smell. Now, let’s discuss what it means when a bearded dragon poops on you.

What Does It Mean When A Bearded Dragon Poops On You? (9 Reasons)

Comfort & Warmth

If your beardie seeks warmth and is super comfortable with you, he may poop on you. When a beardie moves around, a bowel movement may result in some defecation. Most reptiles that feel safe and secure around their owners may choose to relieve themselves around/on their owners.

The situation shouldn’t be a problem unless it becomes a habit. Hence, noticing your beardie’s belly relaxed and willing to climb is an excellent sign of affection. It also means your pet completely trusts you.

Dealing with a stinky puddle of beardie’s poop may not be pleasant, but there’s not always a problem. Just clean it & try to train your beardie to poop in his enclosure or designated area. You can also check out my beardie 101 potty training guide: preparing a bearded dragon to train. 

Nervous / Fear

Did you know nervousness can also cause sudden bowel movements within any reptile? You heard it right! Maybe, your beardie has yet to trust you and be comfortable around you. It is common to notice a bearded dragon pooping on you due to fear.

Maybe, your beardie gets nervous, anxious, or scared when you pick them. In addition, if you’ve previously handled your bearded dragon the wrong way, in an urgency, or roughly, they may associate you as a threat.

Therefore, such instances may result in your beardie reacting instinctively with fear and anxiousness. Other than this, you should allow your beardie some time to acclimate and adjust to its environment, enclosure, and surrounding. Especially if they are recently adopted, let your beardie get used to his new home before attempting to handle it. 

Recently Fed

Since beardies don’t know where or when is the right time to defecate, if you coincidentally pick them when they need to relieve, they won’t hesitate. It’s very typical for reptiles to poop if recently fed.

Although beardies need 24+ hours to digest the food properly, each personality & type of diet influences their bowel movement. It’s a must to allow your pet to rest for a while after having food. If you don’t let your beardie rest, they won’t have a chance to digest food. Hence, you’ll also open them up to potential stomach-related health issues. 

Dietary Change / Change In Feeding Schedule

If you’ve recently changed your beardie’s diet, they may not appreciate or like it. Thus, they may avoid eating the food and become constipated. If your bearded dragon is constipated, he poops on you.

Check if your pet is eating them all altogether. Before making any changes in your pet’s diet, I highly advise you to consult your veterinarian. Your veterinarian may also need to perform a quick fecal test to determine if it is because of a digestive system problem or something else. In addition, you should stick to a fixed feeding schedule. 

Health Issue 

Many health issues directly or indirectly affect your beardie’s bowel movement and digestive system. If your beardie suffers from diarrhea or constipation, they may poop on you because the litter box is already messy.

If you notice your Bearded Dragon defecating in strange places, all over its enclosure, or more frequently, It is vital to visit the vet with your pet for proper examination and treatment. I recommend seeing the vet with your beardie at least once a few months to rule out any potential illness. 


If you got a new pet or had one, it can stress out your beardie. If there’s any other pet around while you are holding/handling your beardie, it can cause stress and bowel movement.

In addition, if your pet has been moved to a new location or home, it can also be the primary cause. If a beardie is stressed, they feel uncomfortable going to the bathroom. Instead of choosing his usual spot, your bearded dragon may decide to relieve itself on you. 


I’ve heard many people saying, “my bearded dragon keeps pooping on me,” or ‘my bearded dragon pooped on me. In some cases, beardies develop a poor habit of pooping on their owner and nowhere else.

If this is the case with you, you might have (or accidentally) taught your beardie that you’re the safest place/spot to be & the best place to eat & poop too. If you don’t keep his enclosure environment & surrounding according to his need, they may not feel safe to defecate.

Maintaining his tank temperature and cleanliness is necessary for a beardie’s health and well-being. Reptiles like bearded dragons are known to avoid their feces due to bacteria. If his litter box or cage is unclean & small, they will find you to relieve themselves. I highly recommend keeping his coop clean with lots of space in it. 

Incorrect Temperature

If you’ve set the wrong temperature in his enclosure, your beardies may feel stressed. Hence, stress can keep your pet from defecating. Other than this, your home temperature can also impact the mental state of your beardie.

All these can trigger your beardie’s bowel movement, and he may choose to poop on you. Being too hot or cold is very stressful for Bearded Dragons. 

Change Of Environment

If you’ve recently added new decorations or hiding spots or relocated your tank to a new room, this will make beardies agitated. Beardies are also known to be stressed out by the change in environment. Thus, it will be usual for them to defecate on their owner’s shoulder.  

What To Do When My Bearded Dragon Pooped On Me 

There are some basic steps you should follow for your health and your pet’s well-being— I’ve listed the steps in a simple form so that everyone can follow and get rid of the smelly stinky puddle of beardies poop and keep his pet safe. 

  • Firstly, keep your beardie back in its enclosure. There’s nothing to get upset about or punish your pet.
  • Now, wash the poop using soap and warm water to remove it from the skin and other areas.
  • Thirdly, use disinfectant or 1 part water & 1 part vinegar to disinfect the rooms and surfaces the poop came into contact with.
  • After the surface, it’s best to remove your cloth if the feces come into contact with it: and keep it in the laundry to wash. If you’re wearing white, wash it with vinegar and warm water if the material allows.
  • Lastly, check on your beardie to see if it is doing well. You can get your pet out anytime if your beardie shows no illness. Do wash your pet if they’re covered with his feces. 

After knowing the steps, you might wonder why to use vinegar. Beardie’s poop contains salmonella bacteria which can be harmful if ingested. Vinegar will help break down any bacteria on your clothes and skin too. 

7 Tips To Prevent It From Happening Again


  1. Consider Handling Your beardie daily. It will help your pet get used to you and be handled. 
  2. Ensure you are not picking your beardies and getting them out of the enclosure if they’re fed. 
  3. Make occasional visits to the vet for testing and examination to keep all health issues at bay.
  4. Make sure your beardie has a big, clean cage with lots of hiding to feel safe and comfortable. 
  5. Consider potty training your beardie with positive reinforcement techniques.
  6. Weekly & monthly maintenance of his enclosure is necessary to keep it appropriate and clean.
  7. Make sure your beardie is getting enough water and food. His diet needs to be regulated and on a fixed schedule for his health and well-being. Please do not make any changes to their diet without consulting a vet or seeking advice who specializes in reptile care. 

Conclusion & Summary

Wrapping Up: A Bearded Dragon may poop on you due to stress, diet, dietary/environmental temperature Change, fear, or underlying health issue. They can also poop on you if they feel comfortable around you, which can quickly develop into a habit. I advise you to consult your vet first and then potty train them. You should always take preventive measures, which this article has already discussed.

Final Thoughts: I found comfort the most common reason throughout my research. In the case of comfort and warmth, beardies can quickly develop into a habit. Therefore, proper habitat and potty training are a must for such beardies. If it is stress and you’re still unable to find what’s the cause, I recommend you visit & consult your veterinarian. Thanks for reading & support. Do check out our other popular posts.Â