What Should The Humidity Be For A Bearded Dragon At Night? Aim for 30-40% bearded dragon night time humidity. Remember, bearded dragon humidity at night may fluctuate, due to many reasons. So, Let’s learn to prevent bearded dragon night humidity from getting too high/low and keep it constant.

Being a desert dweller, a bearded dragon requires a certain humidity level when kept inside. Therefore, if you are a proud bearded dragon owner, you might be looking for a specific guide that helps you achieve the ideal humidity for bearded dragons at night.

Here, we will discuss what the best-bearded dragon humidity is at night. Apart from the bearded dragon night humidity, there are also certain factors that you need to consider first. Before you learn ‘what the humidity should be for a bearded dragon at night,’ it’s important to know what influences the humidity level in the dark.

At night, people often witness bearded dragon nighttime humidity being higher than needed, directly affecting the pet’s health & well-being and causing respiratory issues. Not only that, ISPCA also suggests that bearded dragons need low humidity levels at night time to avoid skin & respiratory problems. So, it’s important to learn ‘what humidity levels bearded dragons need at night’ and maintain that ideal level constantly.

Hence, without wasting time, let’s learn how to set up bearded dragon humidity at night that promotes healthy growth, best health, and longevity.

Bearded Dragon Humidity At Night: 5 Steps For Proper Setup

Ideal Humidity For Bearded Dragon At Night

As you know, bearded dragons are genetically evolved to survive any arid environment, which makes it important to mimic the same when kept in a terrarium. If there is anything outside your pet’s comfort range, it’ll result in health issues in the long term. Firstlyyou should turn off all the lights at night before setting up the ideal humidity for your pet

According to Pennsylvania State University, your Dragon requires 35-40% relative humidity at night, mimicking their natural habitat. Undoubtedly, it’s quite easy to achieve this by providing proper ventilation & moisture.

You must ensure that the water dish is always kept away from the basking spot during nighttime to prevent humidity from increasing. Also, ensure to never mist your pet’s terrarium before it gets dark because it can alleviate the humidity level beyond the desired range for bearded dragons.

Purchase Both Types of Humidity Gauge.

You must monitor the humidity level inside your pet’s terrarium for their well-being. That said, you should always choose the right humidity gauge to measure the level inside the tank.

Generally, you’ll find two different types of hygrometers available in the market online & offline; 

  • Digital Hygrometer  
  • Analogue Hygrometer. 

I suggest you purchase both humidity gauges for accurate humidity measurement. Even though this can get quite expensive for a few fellows, trust me, it’s the best thing you can do for your pet’s health and security. Very often, people like to go with the digital ones that use a probe to measure the humidity inside the tank.

Also, people love digital ones because of its easy to read display. But this comes within cost, and digital gauges can get quite expensive. Also, it takes a lot of work to install. If we talk about the alternative, I suggest you go with the analog hygrometers, which are very cheap but cannot be as accurate as the digital ones. However, the analog ones are great at measuring moisture in my tank of beardies.

Also, experts suggest you always need two hygrometers for an accurate humidity reading. But, you also get the analog ones, meaning purchase 3. Hence, consider purchasing two digital ones with one analog hygrometer. Remember that one digital hygrometer will not be enough to measure RH from both sides of the tank because the reading may show normal ranges on one side but can be low or high on the others.

Install Hygrometer At the Right Places

Usually, experts suggest placing one humidity gauge on the cool side of your pet’s enclosure and the other on the hotter side for the most accurate reading possible. But before you do that, it’s important that you first set up the lighting and heat appropriately in advance. I have used one hygrometer on the back wall of my pet’s terrarium. However, remember to place it centrally for an accurate measurement of RH.

It is highly advisable to avoid putting the probe or gauge in live plants or over the water bowl as it may interfere with the measurement. Also, avoid keeping the cause near heat lamps or corners because excess water vapor will result in an inaccurate reading. You must be careful with the hygrometer probe and ensure it doesn’t dangle in the tank, especially for a curious beardie who may try to eat it.

Choose the Right Live Plants To Maintain Night Time Humidity

Instead of using artificial ones, many people love to decorate their bearded dragon tank with live plants, which can directly affect the humidity level inside of it. The same goes for water bowls. It would help to place it on the cooler side, far from the hotter zone or heat source, to avoid increasing moisture inside, which may raise RH.

At night time, humidity levels can get very high, exceeding your pet’s comfortable range. Hence, if your pet’s tank also has live plants, use your hygrometer often enough and avoid watering or misting them.

Some of the most popular plants that you can use in bearded dragon tanks are:

  1. Aloe vera 
  2. Rosemary
  3. Basil
  4. Echeveria
  5. Oregano
  6. Haworthia
  7. Parsley 
  8. Turtle Vine
  9.  Prickly Pear Cacti (With Spines Removed)

Decorate Their Cage 

Once you have achieved the desired humidity level for your pet, it’s time to decorate the tank. Consider a rock or a basking log since your Dragon needs a large surface to bask on beneath the heating lamp. At night, especially at bedtime, you should consider providing your pet with a hide to promote the Instinct of burrowing.

Additionally, offer them things to climb on, like rocks, logs, or other fixtures that match your terrarium theme. However, leave enough room on the ground for your pet too. I have also installed a hammock in the corner of my tank, opposite the heat lamp, for my beardies because they love hanging out and lounging. Trust me, your beardies will thank you for offering a hammock.

Maintaining Bearded Dragon Night Humidity

You must always maintain bearded dragon nighttime humidity at a constant level. Yes, you might occasionally find humidity levels too high or too low, but it’s nothing to worry about as long as it’s not constant. According to West Toowoomba Veterinary Surgeryexcessive humidity can harm your pet’s health, especially if it exceeds 40% inside their enclosure at night.

Use the Right Substrate Type

You should pay attention to the type of substrate you have used, as some can trap moisture and increase the RH. Also, avoid keeping unnecessary vegetation, especially the broad-leafed ones.

Talking about an ideal substrate that doesn’t interfere with the RH, there are plenty of options, and one popular is wooden chips. Although wooden chips are quite absorbent & easy to clean, I suggest you avoid them as they pose a risk of impaction and require you to be vigilant with the routine cleaning. It would help if you avoided softer & denser substrates at all costs because they may retain moisture, raising the RH in the bearded dragon tank

Clay is a very fun option, but it may require some extra effort and time to set it up. You can be very creative with clay. I have sculptured an exciting desert-like terrain with hills, hideaways, & burrows. However, cheaper options like newspapers also act as an ideal substrate and a great choice for baby bearded dragons because they often go to the bathroom.

In case, if you find humidity levels too high or too low in your pet tank at night, here is what you should do.

Too High Humidity for Beardies

Provide Adequate Ventilation to Reduce Humidity Levels

One of the best ways to reduce humidity levels is offering good ventilation to your pet’s enclosure that promotes a healthy supply of fresh oxygen and adequate airflow and allows human air to escape easily. I suggest you go with the heavy-duty mesh wire screen covers that offer plenty of airflow around your pet’s hide box & basking area. Also, this improves airflow while reducing overall humidity within the tank.

Consider a Dehumidifier 

Many people suggest not investing in a dehumidifier, and they are right. However, purchasing & installing a dehumidifier is one of the easiest and fastest ways to lower RH in your pet’s tank. It’s very effective in pulling out humid air as well as removing excess moisture from it. Just install a dehumidifier inside your pet’s time and turn it on.

Avoid Humidity Producing Items

As said, always keep any large water bowl away from the heat source to prevent evaporation and alleviate humidity. Also, never use any coconut fiber or bark substrate that may retain moisture, affecting humidity.

Use Rice

If you find the humidity high at night, use an analog gauge. In case of high moisture, I place a shock with rice or a rice bag on the cool cooler side of the tank to extract the extra water from the air. Try it.

Adjust UVB or Switch On Air Conditioner 

Since night gets colder, preventing the air from holding the same moisture, the RH may increase in your pet’s tank. So, consider adjusting the UV bulb temperature. If the room with the tank has an air conditioner, consider switching it on to handle the increase in moisture during the night.

Too Low Humidity For Beardies

Water Bowl

The more water you keep inside the terrarium, the more moisture will evaporate in the air. That’s why I will advise you to place a large water dish & move It to the hottest side, under the bulb, to increase evaporation & humidity.

Add Live Plants

Naturally, plants generate moisture, increasing overall humidity inside your pet’s enclosure. So, make sure you have one of the above live plants listed or any other that you like but are completely safe for bearded dragons.

Increase Misting

The more you mist your pet’s tank, the higher the humidity. I’ve seen most people following a spraying routine of 2-3 times a week, which can be increased to a daily misting session for better control over low humidity levels and to raise it.

Use a Humidifier

You can also consider a Humidifier that is easy to use and doesn’t require much effort. No matter what, people with bearded dragons always invest in a humidifier for their well-being.

Even though it’s expensive, I’ll advise you to go for it. Sooner or later, you’ll have to invest in it, so why not now? Choose The Best Humidifier For bearded dragons.

Raise Room Temperature

If the room where your bearded dragon tank is placed has AC installed, turn it off or keep it as low as possible to raise room temperature. You can also turn on your room heater during the winter season.

What Happens If a Bearded Dragon Is Too Humid?

Low Humidity Health Risks

Your pet can be in danger of multiple health problems when humidity is too low, like:

  • Shedding Problems
  • Dehydration
  • Kidney Problems
  • Urinary Tract Infection  
  • Non-Obstructive Dystocia

Excess Humidity Health Risks 

If the RH is over 40% constantly, it’s too humid for beardies, which may result in the following:

  • Respiratory Infection
  • Bacterial Infections
  • Fungal Infections
  • Nasty Skin Problems
  • Mould Growth 



Be patient because achieving the right RH for bearded dragons at night may require effort and much trial & error. But it’s easy and even a piece of cake for many once learned. Just make sure to invest in a reliable hygrometer, as often, many cheaper ones do not produce accurate readings, which can be off by as much as 15 degrees. Too low/high RH is detrimental for bearded dragons’ health.

However, I’ve seen short periods of high or low humidity happening even to the best reptile owners. Thankfully, short periods of high or low humidity are unlikely to harm your pets if you’re being responsible and taking measures.

I hope you find this article helpful & fun to read. If this content was informative, consider sharing it with other beardies’ owners to help them achieve the right humidity level at night for their beardies. If you have any suggestions on bearded dragon humidity, comment below. Do check my other helpful guide on humidity for bearded dragons. See you in the next post, till then, take care and goodbye.