Undoubtedly, bearded dragon humidity too high can cause any pet owner to worry & panic. The first thing to do is to remain calm.

If you notice a Bearded dragon too high humidity only for a short period, there’s nothing to worry about. But if it’s constant, there can be multiple factors that need your attention.

Also, keeping beardies in a humid environment for too long can cause multiple health issues. But before I tell you, ‘What Happens If A Bearded Dragon Too High Humidity Constant?’,

let’s first understand why bearded dragon humidity is too high and what to do about it. Today, you’ll learn 7+ ways to lower RH in a beardie’s tank. Let’s start.

Why Is Bearded Dragon Humidity Too High? With Solutions

Using a Substrate That Holds Moisture

It may be time to check the type of substrate you have used in your bearded dragon tank. One of the most important factors that usually affect humidity levels in a bearded dragon tank is said to be substrate. The type of material you choose to make up the bottom of your bearded dragon cage plays a crucial role in humidity, too. Since substrate can be anything, you might use from sand to individual pieces of felt.

Hence, it’s important to learn which works best to not interfere with the enclosure’s humidity level. If the humidity level is very high, you might be using a softer & denser substrate that holds moisture. So, low or no substrate can be handy to lower the humidity level. I like to line my bearded dragon terrarium using newspaper as it keeps the humidity low and doesn’t interfere with it.

Also, you’ll find newspapers, one of the best anti-moisture options, very easy to clean & replace if used. However, avoid the one that can be accidentally ingested or hard on your pet. That said, you can also look at impacted clay sand that is not loose, preventing your pet from ingesting it. Also, it has almost no capacity to hold or retain moisture, which might alleviate the humidity inside the tank.

Inadequate Ventilation That Creates Stagnant Air & Humid Environment 

Without proper airflow inside your bearded dragon tank, its environment can get humid due to stagnant air. If you have checked my other guides, you might already know that airflow is a crucial factor affecting any room’s humidity level, including the bearded dragon enclosure. Therefore, you must observe the airflow inside your pet’s tank and ensure it has a proper air screen. Adding more airflow can be immensely helpful in bringing the humidity level down.

I have used the metal lead with small openings on the top of my bearded dragon cage. Many people use plastic lids that prevent air from entering the bearded dragon enclosure. It would help if you avoided those kinds of similar lids affecting ventilation. If the humidity level inside the tank is very high, consider increasing ventilation. You don’t have to worry if your bearded dragon horizontal tank has a mesh top; it will offer good air throughout the enclosure. 

Improper Airflow In The Room

After knowing so many things regarding ventilation & air flow, you may wonder ‘what is more?’. The third thing also matters is the fresh air flow in the room where the tank is kept. You must never keep your bearded dragon tank near windows, especially if in direct sunlight or cold wind/draft may affect the tank temperature. Cold wind in Winter or direct sunlight in summer, cooling/heating the glass will affect the temperature vastly.

However, if the enclosure is far from the windows, pay attention to the type of appliance used in the room for airflow, like a fan or air conditioner. If the room humidity is above 50%, It’s best to turn on your air conditioner to promote better airflow. Fans also work quickly, creating airflow in the room and inside the enclosure

Not Using Dehumidifier

Even with the most experienced reptile keepers and breeders, humidity can get high sometimes due to environmental factors, seasonal changes, and more. People often use dehumidifiers to tackle those temporary increments of humidity inside bearded dragon tanks. If you have not used a dehumidifier, it’s time to invest in it. It is one of the easiest & quickest ways to lower a tank’s temperature.

This becomes more important when you live in a tropical or humid region. People think humidity in a bearded dragon tank only matters, but the humidity outside can also be problematic. When it comes to keeping a bearded dragon in hot, warm Florida-like weather, a dehumidifier comes in very handy in lowering RH in the room by collecting the damp air and creating a dryer environment in the room where I have kept my bearded dragon has Pro Breeze Dehumidifiers.

On the other hand, I have used a rechargeable gel-filled Eva Dry E 333 mini dehumidifier to lower high humidity levels when required. Both of these devices come in handy and promote healthy growth & well-being when used along with other tips like proper airflow, etc.

If you don’t have enough budget to invest in both, install the Eva Dry E 333 mini dehumidifier and install it inside your bearded dragon enclosure. It is filled with silica gel, proven to collect excess moisture effectively. Plus, the gel will never spill out, regardless of the position you put it in. I have left it on the bottom of my bearded dragon tank. Alternatively, you can also hang it using a stick like a heavy-duty picture stick.

Keeping Water Dish On The Hotter End

Lastly, another reason the humidity level is too high inside a bearded dragon enclosure could be the water dishes placed on the hotter end of the tank. Keeping the water bowl from any heat source or nearby would be best. It’s best to use a small shallow water dish and put it on the cooler side of the time, avoiding hotter zones.

I have seen a few people keeping a water bowl under a heat source or a lamp, which caused increased evaporation & humidity. You can imagine the humidity if you have ever stayed in a hotel room with an indoor pool.

We instantly become sticky whenever we walk into such a room because of all the moisture in the air. There’s nothing wrong with saying that much of this is directly related to the water bodies inside the enclosed room. Think of your bearded dragon tank like that hotel room with a pool. The easiest way to fix it is to remove the water dish from the bearded dragon tank or keep it on the coolest side.

3 More Tips To Lower The Humidity

Check Temperature

Another area that needs your attention is the temperature. Check the temperature; if it is too low, that’s the culprit. Low temperatures always create a cold & humid environment. If the temperature is low or optimal, you can still increase them to fight high humidity. If you have been using a stick on the thermometer, note that it can be inaccurate and off by up to 10 degrees. That’s why I advise you always to use a digital thermometer with a probe.

I have been using two MedLife Digital Thermometers that have inbuilt hygrometers & probes to measure temperature on both sides of the tank. Even though it has an inbuilt hygrometer, it’s best to buy a humidity gauge separately.

Place one thermometer on the hotter zone and another on the cooler side. In the case of a handheld infrared thermometer, I recommend using Etekcity Gun Non-Contact-58°F ~1022°F that gives an accurate temperature reading of any spot when I point it from 1.2 inches away only.

Try Rice Sock

One of my favorite ways to lower humidity is using rice socks. Uncooked rice has an amazing capacity to lower RH as it is a natural moisture absorber. You have to fill a sock with uncooked rice and place it safely on the cooler side of your bearded dragon tank where it is less visible. However, this only works when the humidity is high by only a few percent. If humidity is extreme, you can combine it with other techniques.

Keep Live Plants Away 

If your bearded dragon tank has live plants, they will increase the humidity because of constant water evaporation and transpiration after you water them. If you find live plants culprits, you can replace them with artificial ones.

What If a Bearded Dragon Too High Humidity Stay Constant?

Mycotic Diseases

One commonly seen Mycotic disease in bearded dragons is the Yellow Fungus Disease caused by Canv (Chrysosporium Anamorph Of Nannizziopsis Vreisii), leading to weight loss, poor appetite, and death. This fungal infection is fatal & aggressive and frequently attack site like the skin & respiratory tract of bearded dragons.

Scale Rot

Another problem your pet may need help with is scale rot when kept in a humid environment for too long. A humid environment causes bacterial growth, increasing the chances of scale rot development. Beardies’ eggs can also catch infection with dampness in their tank.


As per the National Institutes Of Health, Nannizziopsis Guarroi, which causes Nannizziomycosis and results from Barbatae, is the most frequently reported Nannizziopsis species in bearded dragons. But remember that N. Chlamydospora, N. Draconii, And N. Barbatae can also cause Nannizziomycosis. 

Mold Growth

Lastly, beardies are desert dwellers who can survive in a humid environment. They will likely develop bacterial and mold growth if kept under this condition. If you notice thickened yellow plaques on your pet’s face, back, sides, or legs, it’s time to take your beardie to the vet’s clinic.

Respiratory Problems

Although respiratory infections are rarely seen in beardies, they can develop under poor tank conditions. The most common disturbances that often lead to respiratory issues are related to temperature, humidity, and UVB light watts. If the humidity level is constantly over 50%, your pet is at risk of developing respiratory illness due to a compromised immune system.



I hope you have enough tips on bringing the bearded dragon down to high humidity. Let us know if you’ve any other suggestions on lowering the humidity level and keeping it maintained. Not only might you find bearded dragon humidity too high, but sometimes you might also end up with too low humidity. Fortunately, I’ve already covered what to do when you find bearded dragon humidity too low. Check my other helpful posts on humidity for bearded dragons I shared on this site.

A small request: follow us on social platforms & YouTube, where we share more valuable but exclusive content on beardies. See you in the next post, till then, take care & goodbye.