Along my journey of keeping many bearded dragons, I had my fair share of encountering liquid urate, too. Therefore, if you are concerned about bearded dragon liquid urate, you are in the right place.

Many times, I found my pet’s regular poop surrounded by a puddle of water. If you describe this as your bearded dragon liquid urate, read on. In this article, I will share valuable insight into the causes of liquid urate in bearded dragons and what you can do about it.

But before that, you must remain calm and avoid panicking because this is not alarming, especially if your pet looks normal.

If you are only concerned about the liquid urate part, it could be due to overhydration, like feeding him lots of leafy greens. To know more about why there is liquid in my bearded dragon’s poop, let’s understand three potential causes.

Bearded Dragon Liquid Urate: 3 Causes


Have you recently given a warm bath to your pet because your dragon was not properly hydrated or was dirty? If yes, it isn’t uncommon to find their urine puddle-like and watery. Bearded dragon liquid urate doesn’t always happen, but still, it is a normal occurrence, which means that your pet is well-hydrated.

Plus, Bathing a bearded dragon too frequently can result in your pet having more watery urates, and there is nothing to worry about, though.

However, make sure you cut off some moisture-rich food for your pet because over-hydration may also result in bearded dragon watery poop, not just urate. You can do little if your dragon defecates at regular intervals or has running stools. Just take note of your bearded dragon’s behavior and movement.

Also, ensure that you are not over-hydrating your pet next time because it can also lead to hyponatremia, which is nothing else than a low sodium level in your pet’s bloodstream.

Too Much Greens or Fruits 

There is also a huge possibility that you feed your pet too much of a leafy green. Too many leafy greens, especially those rich in moisture, like lettuce, can also cause liquid urate.

I suggest you avoid feeding vegetables with extremely high water content, too. Some of those include:

  • Iceberg 
  • Romaine Lettuce 
  • Spinach 
  • Kale 
  • Broccoli 

These are serious contenders for moisture-rich leafy greens, which can cause bearded dragon watery urate. Also, you need to pay attention to the type of fruits you are feeding your pet. Some owners have also encountered liquid urate after feeding fruits like watermelon. It’s advisable to always take note of the portion size you offer your pet and have proper control over it.

Only some fruits or vegetables are as good as you might think or suggested by other people. Each & every individual beardie tends to be different and needs varying nutritional requirements based on their health condition, age, and genetics. I will advise you to cut back a small number of greens or fruits you feed and check back after a few hours to see if your dragon is still passing liquid urate.

Liver Problems

The livers of your dragon process urine or urine. Therefore, if there is any problem with your bearded dragon liver, then the urate your pet will be passing is not going to be affected. If you suspect your pet might have a liver problem, call your veterinarian and inform them about your pet’s current condition.

However, this liver issue is uncommon, especially when the only symptom is liquid urate. But, on the other hand, if you have been feeding worms like mealworms or superworms, stop it immediately.

These are not digestible for your pet because of their high chitin & fat amount, which causes liver issues if fed long-term. Also, feeding too much of a hornworm can also result in a bearded dragon’s liquid urate. So, pay attention to the type of worms you are feeding. You should check my guide tool to find which worm is healthy and at what amount for your pet.

What You Should Do?

The best thing you can do is wait for your pet’s bowel movement again. If the bearded dragon’s watery urate continues, you can consider consulting a veterinarian. However, liquid urate isn’t concerning but a normal occurrence, as told. Since your pet is already passing lots of water with its feces, I will advise you to check on its hydration level. Also, I would like you to check my other guide, where I discussed “why is my bearded dragon poop watery” Make sure they are well-hydrated all the time, too.



Bearded dragon liquid urate isn’t a concerning situation in most cases. It usually tells us that the pet is well-hydrated or sometimes over-hydrated. Your pet’s diet also impacts the waste they produce. However, I will still advise you always to note how often your dragon defecates and how often it is liquid. After reading this article, I hope you have a good insight into whether to be concerned about your pet’s watery urate. If you find the article helpful, consider sharing it.

Your share will help many people learn why there is a bearded dragon urate liquid. Also, check my other helpful guide on bearded dragon urate colors and their meanings. We have also shared many other intriguing subtopics on bearded dragon poop because it’s a telltale sign of your pet’s health. By looking at your bearded dragon poop & urate, you can tell many things like parasites, stress, diet, nutrition deficiency, etc.

Also, if you have any other knowledge on what could result in a bearded dragon liquid urate, please share it with us. We would love to validate and add that vital information to this advice to make it more informative and helpful for new bearded dragon owners. See you in the next post, till then, take care, and goodbye.