Observing your pet defecating watery poop can make you panic. Hence you might wonder, “Why is my beardies poop watery”. If you’re really concerned about bearded dragon watery poop, this is the article for you. You might jump directly to the conclusion, especially if you are new at beardie keeping.

But before that, you must understand the logical reasons behind the watery bearded dragon poop, as it’s a common concern that raises alarm bells, particularly if your pet is going frequently.

In this article, I will talk about five major reasons behind ‘the concerning” Bearded Dragon Watery Poop and guide you on how to address them. We’ve done an extensive hour & hours of research to write & craft this article to make it as informative and helpful as possible.

Whether you are just a first-time bearded dragon owner or a seasoned breeder, this article will help you understand, diagnose, & treat the issue properly, which is crucial for your pet’s well-being. So, without wasting more time, let’s learn “why is my bearded dragon poop watery”.

Bearded Dragon Watery Poop: 7 Possible Reasons

Bearded Dragon Watery Poop Due To ‘Diarrhea’

If your pet bearded dragon is not only defecating watery poop but also seems to be struggling with increased frequency of bowel movements, the culprit could be diarrhea. Look at your bearded dragon stool color for possible changes.

If your pet bearded dragon suffers from diarrhea, its stool color will likely range from green to yellow to Brown. A few of the other symptoms that you are likely to notice in your beardies in case of diarrhea include: 

  • Lethargy 
  • Loss Of Appetite 
  • Weight Loss 
  • Obviously, Abnormal Poop 
  • Suddenly, Your Pet is Defensive.

Along my journey of keeping pets like bearded dragon, I had faced many incidences of diarrhea progressing to the extent of many beardies’ deaths. So, I will suggest you pay close attention to the frequency of your pet’s bowel movement and the consistency of watery poop.

According to the Arizona Exotic Animal Hospital, there can be numerous causes behind diarrhea in bearded dragon. The most common culprits behind bearded dragon diarrhea are:

  1. Parasites 
  2. Adenovirus Infection 
  3. Intestinal Bacterial Infection 
  4. Malnutrition 
  5. Unsanitary Cages 
  6. Too High Or Low Temperature in Your Pet’s Terrarium. 
  7. Eating Spoiled Food or Dirty Water Bowls.

What To Do?

I suggest you call your veterinarian to inform them about your pet’s current situation. If it’s caused by parasites and your dragons are young, this can be devastating. The most common reasons behind watery poop in bearded dragon are often either parasites or diet.

To diagnose parasites like amoebas & regulated protozoans, the vet may recommend microscopic tests on your pet’s fresh stool. Collect your pet’s watery poop sample in a plastic bag and bring it to any nearby vet’s clinic for proper diagnosis of parasites. 

Bearded Dragon Liquid Poop Due To ‘Poor Terrarium Condition’

Another reason behind your bearded dragon watery poop could be keeping them in a poorly maintained enclosure. You must pay attention to the cleanliness of your pet’s terrarium and its utensils like:

  • Food Dishes
  • Water Bowl 
  • Hidings 
  • Hammocks 
  • Toys, Etc. 

Also, you must check what the temps are. Using the right type of thermometer sometimes leads to appropriate temperature maintenance in your bearded dragon enclosure since it’s based on the readings. Additionally, it’s crucial to use the correct type of heat lamp and UVB bulb manufactured by a reputable brand for your bearded dragons.

Or, Maybe it’s time you check % of output printed on the bulb’s side and its purchase date. You should change the UVB bulb after 6 months of usage. However, Reptiles Experts GMBH suggest replacing the UVB lamp after a total exposure time of approximately 3500 hours. But, instead of immediate disposal, you can choose to use that lamp for the young ones or any less sun-loving reptile species you have, like geckos.

Bearded Dragon Poop Watery Due To ‘Endoparasites’

As told in the earlier section, your bearded dragon could be suffering from endoparasites. Also, the Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association warns against endoparasite being highly problematic in neonatal dragons. This could also lead to a lack of growth.

If you notice your pet having watery poop infrequently for the last 6 months, “bearded dragon veteran” of Hooman Slave suggests that parasites or illness could be the culprit, further ruling out dietary change. As per my experience & research, one of these endoparasites could be responsible for watery poop accompanied by stunting:

  • Most Commonly, Cryptosporidiosis
  • Isospora Amphiboluri (Coccidia)
  • Pinworms


Based on my experience and my pets’ past test results, Cryptosporidiosis infection caused by parasites tends to be the culprit behind diarrhea or persistent watery stool. 


The clinical signs of cryptosporidiosis reported by many reptile enthusiasts are very similar to those of other intestinal parasites, which can include:

  • Weight loss 
  • Loss Of Appetite 
  • Diarrhoea / Watery Stool
  • Chronic Wasting
  • Emaciation
  • Dehydration
  • Death
What To Do?

Even though cryptosporidiosis looks asymptomatic in inland bearded dragons, Lafeber companies warn against carriers’ ability to spread the parasite to vulnerable species. As this infection progresses, you’ll suddenly find bearded dragon-undigested poop.

Since this infection is caused by one of several tiny parasites in the genus Cryptosporidium, it must be diagnosed with the most reliable method, which is often made by PCR. Therefore, get your pet to the nearest clinic where your veterinarian will do the Polymerase Chain Reaction testing in swabs from your pet’s stool or vomit.

Isospora Amphiboluri (Coccidia)

Do you know about the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign research finding coccidia isolated from bearded dragon? With a direct life cycle, this coccidia can increase to uncountable numbers in bearded dragons with enclosure.

Also, the National Institute of Health suggests that you have a high chance of finding your pet suffering from watery poop due to this parasite because it’s a widely known one, often found in commercially bred bearded dragons. Also, the chances are higher if you have shop-adopted bearded dragons because Isospora is endemic in captive dragons of the United States.

According to the Animal Veterinary Hospital of Orlando, due to ineffective socialization, this coccidian parasite has become well-decimated within the beardies’ population. If your bearded dragon is suffering from the coccidia parasite, your pet can be anorexic, suffering from weight loss, as well as having persistent watery stool/diarrhea. I will warn you against using any medication without a vet’s administration.

What To Do?

The first thing you need to do is visit the nearby vet’s clinic to diagnose the condition of coccidia, which is likely to recommend sulphonamide antimicrobial to fight the infection. According to the VCA hospitals, Sulfadimethoxine from the brand ‘Albon’ is quite effective in treating reptiles’ coccidiosis, including bearded dragon. In addition to this, another medication effective in actively fighting against different coccidia types at all stages is considered to be toltrazuril.

If you want to suppress the oocyst shedding and diarrhea in reptiles, offer toltrazuril treatment as per the vet’s recommended dosage. Also, MSD Veterinary Manual suggests offering other medications at different doses to fight off coccidia & watery poop. 

Ponazuril30 mg/kg, POevery 2 days for two treatments
Toltrazuril5–15 mg/kg/day, POfor 3 days
Trimethoprim-sulfa30 mg/kg/day, POfor 10–28 days

You must consult your veterinarian regarding your bearded dragon endoparasitic conditions and take effective measures for the best treatment.

Bearded Dragon Poop Liquid Due To ‘Pinworms

Another common cause behind watery poop in bearded dragons could be due to pinworms. According to the Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, pinworms commonly found in beardies belong to the genus Pharyngodon. Usually, pets manifest these pinworms from the insects they eat.

Therefore, pay attention to ‘what insects bearded dragons can eat’ and how you should feed them. Dragons can eat many types of worms, but they should be free from bacteria, parasites, chemicals, etc. Also, you must feed your pet with gut-loaded insects.

What To Do?

The first thing is to ensure proper enclosure cleaning, which is an integral & essential part of treating pinworms in beardies. After that, I will advise you to consult a veterinarian regarding pinworm conditions. While researching, I learned about a staff member ‘CooperDragon‘ from bd.org, who discussed the effectiveness of Panacur against pinworms. Well, this moderator and many other people suggest that Panacur could be used to treat pinworms in beardies.

However, note that pinworm treatment works as long as you follow strict proper hygiene. You will have to do the two doses, first to kill the worms already present inside and second to kill the hatched ones. Even though this medication is strongly proposed and encouraged within the beardies community, I will advise you to avoid reading your reptile without the guidance of a proper veterinarian.

Bearded Dragon Watery Poop Due To ‘Stress

Sometimes, a bearded dragon that is stressed out also exhibits the symptoms of diarrhea. According to PetDT, if your bearded dragons are stressed or suffering from anxiety, your body will likely produce lots of watery waste. Some of the symptoms of stress in bearded dragons are as follows 

  • Glass Surfing
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Lower Activity Levels
  • Not Basking Enough
  • Dark Coloration
  • Stress Marks
  • Diarrhea

If your pet looks highly stressed, consider giving them a warm bath and avoiding handling them. Also, I will advise you to minimize sensory overload for your pet.

Bearded Dragon Watery Poop Due To ‘Salmonellosis’

Bearded Dragon Watery Poop: 7 Key Causes +Effective Solution

Another possible cause of watery poop in bearded dragons could be due to salmonellosis. According to the VCA hospital, if your pet suffers from this condition, it will have increased bowel movement, accompanied by severe gastrointestinal disease. 


Some of the symptoms that you might notice include:

  • Diarrhea 
  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting 
  • Stomach Cramp 
  • Fever

What To Do?

Diagnosing your pet at the nearest vet’s clinic is a must because the Centre for Disease Control & Prevention warns us against getting sick from touching our pet if infected with salmonella. Yes, salmonella germs can spread to you and make you extremely sick. Avoid touching your beardies or anything in its environment, and then touching your mouth or food that may result in the ingestion of salmonella germs.

In fact, the University of Minnesota found beardies linked to several past salmonella outbreaks. Unfortunately, the recent outbreak in January 2022 involved salmonella, affecting almost 56 people from 26 states. This is why we highly advise washing your hands after handling your pet. Plus, You should avoid snuggling with your pet or trying to kiss them.

Bearded Dragon Watery Poop Due To ‘Diet / Overhydration

A 3-year-old member, “zebraflavencs,” on the bearded dragon forum suggests that too much lettuce in beardies’ diet results in watery poop. Plus, bearded dragon urate colors or texture will be different from regular ones if you’re feeding moisture-rich veggies alone in their weekly diet, to the point of diarrhea. Even though you can offer commercially available beardies’ food, Stahl Exotic Animal Veterinary Services advises to stay within 50% of the diet.

Bearded Dragon Poop Watery Due To ‘Adenovirus Infections’

Lastly, another cause of bearded dragon watery poop could be due to adenovirus infection. 


According to the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, the clinical symptoms of adenovirus infection are mostly non-specific. But PetMD & Vetlexicon suggest a few typical symptoms, which include:

  1. Depression 
  2. Weakness 
  3. Lethargic 
  4. Weight Loss 
  5. Diarrhea
  6. Circling
  7. Head Tilt 
  8. Stomatitis
  9. Pneumonia
  10. Dermatitis
  11. Nasal And Ocular Discharge
  12. Opisthotonos
  13. Mucosal Ulceration

If any dragon is infected, he/she may look healthy but will shed the virus. So, isolate the infected one, as Cornell Wildlife Health Lab suggests this virus can be transmitted to other beardies, too.

What To Do?

Must Take Your Pet To Vet Clinic. Here’s how to find ‘Bearded Dragons Vet Near Me.’


Now, you know that bearded dragon watery poop is definitely concerning, as numerical culprits can cause it. So, first, visit the nearby veterinarian clinic for proper diagnosis and effective treatment. If you find this article helpful, then consider sharing it. Check my other helpful guide on bearded Dragon Poop. See you in the next post, till then, take care & goodbye.