Observing Your bearded Dragon poop white indicates both normal & abnormal conditions. If you are concerned about “why do bearded dragons poop white,” read this article thoroughly as we dive into the complexity of white poop bearded dragon’s digestion & find out, “Why is my bearded dragons poop white.” When you notice your pet poop white, it is a cause for alarm, but sometimes it can also be a symptom of something less sinister.

Therefore, if you are keen on learning the various reasons behind “why is bearded dragon poop white” or this unusual bearded dragon white poop occurrence and want to know what you can do about it, you are in the right place.

Sometimes, people panic about bearded dragon hard white poop, which is nothing more than just bearded dragon hard urate. But, if you’re sure that it’s not urate/urine, and your bearded dragon is pooping white, then read this article thoroughly before finding a bearded dragon vet.

Here, I will tell you when you should be concerned about your bearded dragon’s white poop and when it’s not a cause for immediate panic. Hence, without wasting time, let’s begin with learning five major reasons behind bearded dragon poop all white.

Bearded Dragon White Poop (3 Common Causes)

First, if your pet produces soft white poop, it could be just urate. Hence, pay attention to what you feed that only causes your pet to pass urate alone. If this is just urate ‘all white stool,’ you don’t need to worry about it much, as it simply means your beardies are overhydrated.

Sometimes, white poop bearded dragon indicates that your pet has eaten a small amount of food. However, if your bearded dragon poops white only, it could be due to decreased food intake, excess dietary calcium, dehydration, overhydration, & gastrointestinal parasites. Below, we are going to discuss all these things in detail.

Not Eating Enough‘ Causes Bearded Dragon White Poop

Maybe your pet needs to eat more to produce stool. You must feed your bearded dragon dragon properly daily to prevent their feces from only containing urate. If your bearded dragon dragon is refusing to eat any food, there can be a chance that it’s getting ready to brumate.

Since brumation is a process of deep sleep where your pet’s digestive system shuts off, your pet will likely reduce its food intake. But, if your pet is active and it’s not for brumation, I advise you to get it on an ideal feeding schedule recommended by the veterinarians.

Bearded Dragon White Poop Due To ‘Dehydration

I will advise you to check the texture of your bearded dragon dragon white. It can also indicate mild dehydration if it’s like string-like saliva accompanied by chalky white poop. Sometimes, bearded dragon hard white poop also indicate the same.

According to the Bug Shed & Couple of Beardies’ owner’s complaints regarding their pet pooping entirely white and even sometimes being more solid than usual is often a case of dehydration. Hence, increasing your pet’s water intake is best if you find your pet suffering from runny, all-white poop repeatedly. Petco also suggests giving dehydrated bearded dragons a 15-minute bath in mildly warm water. Also check my recent guide on Signs of Dehydrated Bearded Dragon Poop.

Note that mild dehydration is easy to fix and doesn’t require much effort. Fortunately, you won’t have to worry about the bill.

Overhydration‘ Also Results In Bearded Dragon White Poop

Noticing all white substances in your bearded dragon feces means that there is no Poop but urate only. VetExplainPets suggests that your pet can be overly hydrated, producing only the white part of the urate. It’s common for bearded dragon owners to find their pet’s poop part missing from their feces and only containing urate due to overhydration. This is not a cause for alarm, but you should still monitor your pet now.

If your pet continues to stay over-hydrated, it may also result in diarrhea. Due to overhydration, it’s not uncommon to notice watery poop too. This usually occurs when you often feed your pet too much watery food like hornworms, fruits, or watery veggies.

Bearded Dragon Poop White Only: Other Potential Cause

Calcium Metabolism Issue

Sometimes, too much calcium in your pet’s diet also forms bearded dragon white poop yellow but can be yellowish in color. According to Ashlee Baker, there is nothing to worry about.

But, if you notice your bearded dragon pooping urate only, but it’s yellowish in color with white at the end, it could be due to the excess calcium excreted in your pet’s feces since they can’t store it.

The excess dietary calcium will only cause issues when there is too much vitamin D3. On the other hand, Petco suggests that bearded dragons also poop white soft urate in yellow color when there is any liver problem.

Infections & Inflammations

If your pet is suffering from any kind of infection or inflammation, their stool consistency and color are likely to get altered, too. Infections in your pet’s digestive system should always be administered, diagnosed, and treated by a professional veterinarian. Without knowing the type of infection your pet suffers, you won’t be able to treat their white chalky poop effectively.

To treat bearded dragon white poop, you need to determine whether it’s because of bacterial infection, fungal infection, or parasitic infection that may occur in various parts of your pet’s digestive tract, including the stomach & intestine.

Sometimes gastrointestinal inflations like inflammatory bowel disease & chronic inflammation affect the entire digestive tract of your bearded dragon, resulting in a Poop color change or whiter than normal. Lastly, any wound/injury in or around your pet’s digested system can quickly become infected with fungi & bacteria, leading to secondary infections.

Sometimes, infections in this area further lead to localized inflammation and discomfort, which we have seen manifesting into digestive issues & abnormal stool. Give A Quick Visit To Bearded Dragon Vet Near Me For Proper Diagnosis.


It may be time to get your pet checked & diagnosed for endoparasites at the nearest vet’s clinic. Sometimes endoparasites like pinworms and coccidia cause bearded dragon poop to look more white than normal. Note that certain parasites like pinworms are known to severely affect the liver and digestive system if not treated correctly. In some cases, parasites cause bearded dragon orange urate

The Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory also found that the most common pinworms that usually affect bearded dragons belong to the genus Pharyngodon. On the other hand, the National Institute of Health suggests captive bearded dragons are commonly prone to ‘Isospora Amphiboluri’ coccidian.

Medications & Supplements

Another possible culprit could be any medication or supplement you are administering to your pet after consulting a vet. If your vet has recently prescribed certain medications, overuse or incorrect administration may disrupt your pet’s digestion, causing diarrhea.

You should pay attention to the supplements you are feeding. If it’s calcium supplements, make sure to use them as recommended because excessive can cause the formation of urate crystals in beardies’ digestive system, resulting in a white and chalky stool appearance.

On the other hand, if it’s due to vitamin supplements, an imbalance or excessive vitamins & minerals may lead to toxicity affecting calcium-phosphorus absorption, leading to stool consistency and odor changes.

Lastly, any medications prescribed by a veterinarian, like antibiotics, probiotics, prebiotics, or antiparasitic medications, may interfere with or alter the balance of gut bacteria, affecting the stool characteristics of your beardies.

Note that some medications have gastrointestinal side effects, including changes in poop color, texture, and odor.



Now you know, ‘Why is my bearded dragon poop all white’ and what to do when my bearded dragon poop is white. As per my experience of keeping multiple pet beardies, I often learned overhydration & lack of food intake are the major culprits behind white poop in bearded dragon feces. Of course, your pet could be dehydrated, resulting in bearded Dragon Poop white only, so check on that as well. If you have any other concerns regarding the question ‘Why is my bearded dragon poop white in color,’ let me know in the comment section.

I would love to help you out and address common issues. If you have any other recommendations, tips, or culprits behind this phenomenon, let me know below so I can add that information to this article to make it more informative for beardies’ owners and their pets’ well-being. The poop is the best tell-tale sign of your dragon’s health condition. So, check my other helpful guides shared on this website on the topic of bearded dragon Poop. See you in the next post, till then, take care & goodbye.