Finding & maintaining an ideal Habitat for bearded dragons is not just a task—it’s an art. That said, one crucial aspect of maintaining a thriving environment for your pet’s health & happiness is the right humidity. Being a responsible beardies’ owner, you have to pay attention to the optimal humidity levels they need in the tank for proper growth, health, and happiness.

Many owners often panic when they find their pet’s tank has a high humidity because RH’s fluctuation can harm Beardie’s health. In this article, I will tell you “how to lower humidity in bearded dragon tank” and keep it stable, as it’s Paramount for their health & well-being. Here, you will learn 11 ways on “how to decrease humidity in a bearded dragon tank“, so they can bask in the perfect balance of warmth & dryness.

After reading this article, you will understand the intricacies of humidity control and what to do when it spikes. I’ve divided all methods into three sections: Highly Effective, Moderately Effective, and Effective. This is for a better understanding of which one works best for certain situations.

But, before I share “how do I lower humidity in my bearded dragon tank,” let’s first understand “what is the correct humidity level for a bearded dragon” and what I mean by “Highly Effective, Moderately Effective, & Effective Solution.”

After that, we’ll go over different methods you can use to sculpt a low-humid environment that meets your beardies’ biological needs and enhances their overall quality of life. Read this article thoroughly; this guide is your compass to achieve what you’re looking for, and your beardie deserves the best”.

What Is The Correct Humidity Level For A Bearded Dragon?

University of Queensland, Davis, suggests maintaining 30-40% humidity for bearded dragon enclosure. Any deviation from this range can be detrimental to beardies’ health & well-being. Bearded Dragon Humidity Too High can lead to respiratory problems and skin issues, such as bacterial or fungal growth. On the flip side, Bearded Dragon Humidity Too Low can result in dehydration and shedding problems.

How To Lower Humidity In Bearded Dragon Tank: 3 Highly Effective Ways

If you end up reading a high RH level on the hygrometers, you need to act quickly and address this issue asap. Below, you’ll find 11 of my favorite ways to lower humidity in a bearded dragon tank that is tried & tested. Not every method will be effective for your custom tank’s setting. Hence, I’ve divided all these methods into 3 different sections based on their effectiveness.

Highly EffectiveSignificant & noticeable impact on reducing humidity.Room Dehumidifier, In-tank Dehumidifier, etc.
Moderately EffectiveNoticeable but somewhat limited impact on reducing humidityAmping Up Ventilation, Downsizing Water Dish, etc.
EffectiveModest impact compared to other methods. Works for small RH’s deviations.Dry Substrate, Removing Water Bowl, etc.

Integrate In-Tank Dehumidifier For For Precise RH Control

The most highly effective way to lower humidity is integrating in-tank dehumidifiers, which directly & efficiently absorb moisture from the tank’s environment. There are many mini dehumidifiers to choose from, which can be integrated inside the tank without posing any threat to the pet.

I’ve been using Eva’s In-tank dehumidifier for the last two years, and it’s a life & time saver, especially during seasonal changes. This solution works best for setups with limited space for an external dehumidifier.

Works Best For:

  • Targeted Humidity Control: The in-tank dehumidifiers offer more targeted control over humidity levels and keep them low automatically when they spike. 
  • Compact Design: Since mini-dehumidifiers are compact, they can even be integrated into smaller enclosures or setups.
  • Direct Application: I also like that it offers more targeted control over humidity levels for any tank’s design or unique setup.

Things To Consider:

  • Size & Capacity: Depending on your beardie’s tank dimensions, you must choose the appropriate dehumidifier’s size and capacity.
  • Noise Level: Noise can make any pet stressed, including bearded dragons. I was hoping you could choose a device that doesn’t produce noise, like Eva’s mini dehumidifier, which I’ve been using.
  • Maintenance: Like any device, you must clean this mini dehumidifier to prevent mold, dust, or bacteria buildup.

Note: After integrating the mini dehumidifier, you should check on the enclosure’s temperature periodically to ensure it doesn’t impact the thermal gradient. If it does, placement could be wrong. Place it up high in a room with high humidity levels; it won’t get knocked around somewhere. Best to avoid corners.

Upgrade With A Room Dehumidifier To Banish Humidity

Removing excess moisture from the air lowers RH, especially for people living in humid areas, which a room dehumidifier actively does. So, why not this targeted solution?

Works Best For:

  • Precision Control: If your pet spends time with you outside their cage, installing a room dehumidifier gives precise control over moisture in your space, ensuring optimal conditions for beardies” comfort. 
  • Consistency: When your living space has proper humid conditions, it becomes easier to maintain a consistent RH inside the tank.
  • Reducind Mold & Mildew: Since beardies are prone to respiratory issues, mold & mildew growth should be prevented. Room Dehumidifier does that effectively by removing excess moisture.
  • Air Filtration: As respiratory issues are a big concern for beardies, invest in one that enhances the tank’s air quality. Many, like mine, come with built-in air filters.
  • Adjustable Settings: This device helps you tailor your pet tank’s RH, as required.

Things To Consider:

  • Regular Checks: With a room dehumidifier, you must monitor the RH regularly, especially during seasonal changes, to ensure it’s within your pet’s comfort range.
  • Appropriate Size: For effective results, purchase one after taking account of your room & the tank’s size.
  • Secure Placement: Place it securely to prevent disturbances & accidents to the tank.
  • Regular Cleaning: Mold & dust buildup may hamper the device. So, keep checks on regular cleaning.
  • Noise Level: Some dehumidifiers are noisy, but not the one I use. If you choose this, your beardie won’t get disturbed.
  • Electricity Costs: Most importantly, this method definitely decreases RH but increases electricity costs

Note: This method works best during humid seasons or in humid regions. If you’re from arid areas, try the second option. Also, make necessary adjustments to the dehumidifier settings based on seasonal changes for effective results & your pet’s comfort. This may not work as a standalone solution for some, so combine this with other methods.

Swap Fish Tank For Vented Enclosure

I’ve witnessed newbies keeping their beardies in fish tanks, which is fatal as it traps moisture, increasing RH. Unknowingly, if you’ve also been doing this, swap it for vented enclosures to facilitate easy moisture escape.

Works Best For:

  • Better Temperature Regulation: Vented enclosures are effective in maintaining RH and are good at offering better control over temperature gradients, which is much needed for beardies. This also promotes a stimulating environment for beardies.
  • Better UVB Exposure: Vented enclosures work best with a UVB lighting setup, which is much needed for beardies to synthesize Vitamin D3 effectively.
  • Reduced Overheating Risk: Fish tank overheats quickly under heating & lighting elements, which Vented enclosures don’t.

Things To Consider:

  • Size & Space Requirements: As RSPCA suggests, one adult beardie needs a minimum space of 120cm long x 60cm high x 60 cm. Choose an appropriate-sized enclosure.
  • Security Measures: Beardies can climb, so choose an escape-proof enclosure. Vented enclosures With secure lids & locks like mine work best at preventing unauthorized access.
  • Proper Ventilation: By Vented enclosures, I mean the one with adequate ventilation that promotes healthy airflow but prevents the escape of essential heat.

How To Decrease Humidity In Bearded Dragon Tank: 5 Moderately Effective Ways

Use & Boost Ac To Chill Out Temps

Since AC units are widely available & commonly used, they can always be used to regulate and lower ambient room temperatures, consistently lowering the humidity in the tank.

This method is relatively effective for people living in humid areas or regions that experience extreme temperature fluctuations.

It doesn’t matter what your beardies’ setup size or type is. You can turn on or boost the room’s AC to rapidly cool the air around the tank, relieving high humidity and preventing heat stress.

I suggest using this method with heating elements for a balanced temperature gradient. Keep an eye on temps and ensure it’s within the beardies’ comfort range.

Things To Consider:

  • Not sufficient as a sole method: If you think AC can drastically drop RH inside the beardie’s enclosure, then it’s not. This works well when used indirectly with additional measures to reduce humidity.
  • Noise: Some AC units can be too noisy, stressing out our pets. Especially if it’s an old model, get modern ones that make little to no noise if possible. Today, exceptional units are available, preventing stagnant air & improving air quality.
  • Energy consumption: Of course, any AC will increase electricity costs, as they’re energy-intensive. 

Note: Using AC is not a viable option every time. Based on climate or seasonal changes, you must make necessary adjustments. Also, you must consider its limitations and use this as a part of a broader care strategy covering temperature, humidity, & overall environmental conditions.

Amp Up Ventilation To Optimize Tank’s Airflow

When there is enough ventilation, excess moisture dissipates quickly, reducing humidity. It’s time to ensure your beardies’ setup has enough vents.

If not, consider boosting ventilation, which optimizes airflow, promoting improved air exchange for fresh oxygen supply and CO2 removal.

Also, enhanced airflow reduces the risk of respiratory issues by preventing stagnant air buildup while promoting better temperature regulation by preventing localized temperature extremes.

Plus, additional vents control odors from waste gases and mitigate the risk of overheating fungi and mold growth.

Things To Consider:

  • Appropriate vent size & placement: Based on your beardies’ enclosure, make appropriately sized vents to prevent injury, and place them strategically for even airflow throughout the tank. 
  • Wind chill effect & security measures: Avoid too many or too big ventilation openings to prevent escapes and cold drafts, mimicking a wind chill effect.
  • Cleaning & maintenance: From time to time, you must clean the vents to prevent blockages by dust buildup and ensure continued airflow


Note: A few setups/people from the arid region may experience excessive drying of the enclosure or disruption of heating elements’ effectiveness. So, keep monitoring the rh with the right analog or digital hygrometer (whichever you have) and strike a balance to avoid unintended consequences. 

Downsize Water Dish As Size Matters

Water dish size should also be considered depending on the tank’s size. If the water dish is too big, too much evaporation may raise the humidity to a harmful level.

In that case, you must downsize the water dish for a limited surface area to create a localized area of increased humidity.

Using a smaller water bowl helps with humidity reduction and prevents overhydration.

You’ll find this cost-effective and easy to clean & monitor. However, this measure has considerations and limitations.

Hence, using a small water bowl with other humidity control methods would be best.

Things To Consider:

  • Strategic placement: First, pay attention to your dragon’s preferred/favorite basking & hiding areas, and place the water bowl strategically. Also, place it somewhere that it doesn’t comprise a temperature gradient.
  • Supplemental measures: Depending on how big your beardies’ enclosure is, you may need additional methods to control humidity, like complementing this with ventilation adjustments & AC usage.
  • Climate-based adjustments: How’s your region’s climate all year around? If it fluctuates, adjust the water bowl usage. 

Note: How effective this method is may vary based on the beardies tank’s size.

Move The Water Dish To The Tank’s Cooler Side

Another practical strategy to reduce humidity in the bearded dragon tank is moving the water bowl to the cooler side of the tank. Not only does it reduce humidity, but it also lowers the risk of overhydration in the warmer basking area.

Plus, I’ve witnessed most beardies instinctively seeking water in cooler areas; hence, placing the water bow there promotes natural behaviors & exploration. Moreover, it facilitates thermoregulation and makes monitoring your pet’s water consumption easy.

It’s advisable to maintain good hygiene and seasonal adjustments. Please pay attention to cleaning the water dish regularly and refilling it with fresh water, either dechlorinated tap water or filtered water.

Note: Moving the water dish may affect the temperature too. Monitor & ensure the temperature gradient remains suitable for your beardie’s thermoregulation needs. If you’re a job-person who can’t monitor & adjust the water placement, avoid this and install a dehumidifier (fully automated solution).

Remove Live Plants Because Foliage-Free Bliss Also Work

Almost everyone, including me, appreciates the aesthetic & environmental benefits of live plants. But, sometimes, too much foliage interferes with rh through transpiration.

Keeping only a couple of live foliage can prevent sudden humidity spikes. Live plants are often grown in soil and require watering, increasing moisture, and, consequently, humidity, which increases the risk of soil-related issues like mold growth or mites.

If you need help observing your beardie’s activities & behaviors because of foliages, then there are too many. Try limiting the number of live plants or remove all of them. You can always replace live foliage with artificial plants to ensure there are still adequate hiding places & structures for beardies.

Or, you can create a foliage-free environment that prevents waste buildup, bacterial growth, hiding spots for pests, allergen exposure from soil or plants, and poor sanitation. This method works best for simplicity, easy maintenance, and specific humidity control.

Note: Artificial plants as substitutes may need to be more visually appealing and have environmental variety as live foliages for some folks. This measure is a nightmare for people with aesthetic preferences, as a foliage-free environment needs a lush appearance. If this is you, consider limiting live plants and using other measures.

How Do I Lower Humidity In My Bearded Dragon Tank: 3 Effective Solution For Small Deviations

Try Ditching The Water Dish Hack

Since one major potential source of humidity in the beardies’ tank is the water bowl, removing it altogether can lead to a significant moisture reduction and, consequently, RH too. You get better control over preventing sudden humidity spikes when there is less surface area for water to evaporate. Keeping the water bowl for 24 hours also causes Bearded Dragon Humidity Too High At Night.

Many also had complained about Bearded Dragon Humidity 70 At Night due to this. I often remove water dishes from my setup to control Bearded Dragon Humidity At Night. If it’s daytime, ditch the water bowl for a few hours and see if it reduces RH. Without a water bowl, you prevent not only humidity increases but also Accidental Spills and substrate Saturation.

Note: In the absence of a water bowl, you must provide your pet with Supplemental Hydration like moisture-rich foods, Regular Bathing, and occasional misting to prevent dehydration. Lack of water can result in dehydrated bearded dragon poop. So, always compensate for the absence of a water dish.

Stop In-Tank Misting & Create Mist-Free Zone

Why not try ceasing in-tank misting, which again aids in humidity reduction. Mist-free zones help prevent excessive moisture accumulation, lowering humidity and preventing substrate saturation, overhydration issues, and skin problems associated with prolonged wetness. 

Note: Stopping misting may also cause humidity to drop too low, especially when you live in arid areas. So, always have a humid hide in their cage and know “How To Raise Humidity In Bearded Dragon Tank” when needed. Many believe that humid hide is unnecessary, which is a misconception.

In my post, I’d already cleared this misbelief: “Do Bearded Dragons Need A Humid Hide?”

Optimize Substrate To Create Dry Base

I often pointed out the importance of less moisture-retaining substrate as it causes higher humidity risks and waste buildup risks, skin problems, hard-to-spot cleaning, and decreased nesting or burrowing behaviors. Always choose the appropriate substrate composition to create a dry base with a depth of around 6–12″ in your beardies’ tank.


So, now you know all the proven & effective methods to lower humidity in bearded dragon enclosure. This article has taught you enough about how to lower humidity in a bearded dragon tank. If you’ve any other concerns regarding humidity for bearded dragon tanks, take a moment to check my other guides available on this site. Or, never mind contacting me using the form given below.

If you find this article helpful, informative & fun to read, kindly share this with other beardies owner who cares for their scaly friend. Not every beardies’ owner, especially beginners, knows what our scaly reptilian needs for happiness and best health, and they need to learn what’s good & what’s not good for their pet. Your shares may help many dragons live healthy & long lives.

A small request: Please follow us on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Quora, and Pinterest, where we share valuable but exclusive content on/for beardies. Do check my other guides, till then, take care, keep smiling and goodbye.