Maintaining the ideal habitat for our bearded dragons is a bit like being an artist, don’t you think? As caring beardie owners, we know that nailing the right humidity levels in the tank is key to their ideal habitat & overall well-being. Given that, it’s not uncommon for us to feel on edge when we discover ‘humidity too low in bearded dragon tank‘. In those moments, our reflexes often turn to the initial panic mode, encouraging us to google “How To Raise Humidity In Bearded Dragon Tank.”

If you’ve been thinking about ‘how to increase humidity in bearded dragon tank’, let me share some tricks I’ve picked up along the way of keeping & breeding beardies from the last few years.

Today, I’ll be spilling the beans on 11 cool methods to get the humidity up in bearded dragon tank that is tried, tested, and proven.

To make it even more straightforward & crystal clear, I’ve organized these techniques into three categories: Highly Effective, Moderately Effective, and Effective. But before we dive into ‘how to add humidity to bearded dragon tank’ let’s decode “What Should Humidity Be For Bearded Dragons”.

What Should Humidity Be For Bearded Dragons?

As suggested by the University of Queensland, you must maintain a moderately humid environment that mimics beardies’ natural environment. And that is 30-40% RH with proper ventilation. Any deviation from this range can be fatal to bearded dragon species. High RH results in respiratory & skin issues, whereas Low RH causes dehydration & shedding problems.

How To Raise Humidity In Bearded Dragon Tank: 5 Highly Effective Ways

If bearded dragon humidity is too low, Below is a compiled list of 11 tried-and-tested methods to raise humidity in a bearded dragon tank effectively. Remember, not all methods are one-size-fits-all. It’s best to select the approaches that best fit your tank’s unique setup & beardie’s needs. That’s why I’ve divided these strategies into three sections based on their known success rates.

Highly EffectiveSignificant & noticeable impact on raising humidity.In-Tank Humidifier, Covering The Tank, etc.
Moderately EffectiveNoticeable but somewhat limited impact on increasing humidityUsing Less Ac, Adding Live Plants, etc.
EffectiveModest impact compared to other methods to add RH. It’s better for small deviations.Absorbent Bedding, Limit Tank Ventilation, etc.

Install In-Tank Humidifier For Ultimate Efficiency

If you’re looking for a method that kicks in automatically to boost humidity when it drops, an in-tank humidifier is what you need.

While some folks argue that a humidifier isn’t crucial for bearded dragons, having one on hand is a good idea, especially if you live in an extremely dry climate or experience frequent and sudden humidity fluctuations.

Plus, in-tank humidifiers are a solid option for people seeking a more hands-off approach to maintaining optimal humidity, as these devices are designed to release moisture directly into the enclosure and ensure that the humidity is distributed where it’s needed. But there are things that you need to know:

Works Best For:

  • Precise humidity control: If you know ‘what humidity do bearded dragons need,’ you also know that it should be maintained & monitored 24 hours, which in-tank humidifiers effectively & precisely do. It provides continuous moisture when needed; you don’t always have to be there.
  • Reduced risk of mold: Many modern models are designed & equipped well with features to prevent the risk of mold growth.
  • Customizable settings: Since this device has adjustable settings, you can tailor the humidity to your beardies’ needs. Don’t worry; these devices are easy to use, providing a hassle-free solution.

Things To Consider:

  • Proper sizing: First, always know your beardies’ tank size. You must invest in an appropriately sized model for your bearded dragon’s enclosure. Not all models available claiming to fit and work conveniently for all tank sizes work efficiently. 
  • Clean water source: as I suggested, you must use purified water that is 100% clean in the humidifier. Or mix water conditioners / dechlorinated products in tap water before using it.
  • Placement: another thing that matters is the humidifier’s placement. Install it centrally for even distribution of moisture throughout the tank.

Mist Frequently & Keep Your Beardie Refreshed

Another effective way to raise humidity is misting their tank regularly in the morning, introducing water droplets into the air, and promoting evaporation. Misting beardies’ tanks is necessary for people living in a dry climate or during shedding periods. Some points you need to note include:

Works Best For:

  • Localized humidity boost: Misting causes water droplets to settle in a specific area, resulting in a localized increase in humidity.
  • Behavioral stimulation: Misting may stimulate natural behaviors and even encourage some beardies to lap the water up like there’s no tomorrow.
    Note they don’t absorb moisture. I’ve yet to learn how this rumor started, but misting helps beardies absorb water through their skin, or cloaca is completely bogus, a common misconception.
  • Hydration: when you mist, you’ll likely notice your dragon licking water droplets. My beardies never quite mastered the art of drinking from a bowl; misting seems to be their preferred hydration method.

Things To Consider:

  • Avoid excessive dampness: When misting, avoid oversaturating the tank, which may cause respiratory issues or promote bacterial & fungal growth.
  • Time of day: Avoid misting during the evening as it causes bearded dragon humidity too high at night. Finding bearded dragon humidity 70 at night is common when you mist before dusk. Mist in the morning to mimic natural dew that allows the tank to dry out during the day, preventing excess bearded dragon humidity at night.
  • Use clean water: Use purified water only! If you prefer tap water for easy access, use dechlorinating products / available water conditioners.

Optimize Substrate By Increasing Its Depth

A deeper substrate composition retains moisture, gradually evaporating, increasing humidity in the bearded dragon tank. But this method is only for some! Let’s take a look at what you need to know.

Works Best For:

  • Retention of moisture: If the substrate you’re using is extremely dry or dries out in minutes after you mist, use the right composition or increase its depth for better moisture-retaining capacity. This helps in gaining higher humidity levels and promotes a stable environment.
  • Enhanced shedding support: Proper thermal regulation is required in shedding periods to prevent skin dryness and promote smoother shed, which a deeper substrate can assist in.
  • Burrowing opportunities: In the wild desert conditions, beardies construct burrows and use them as humid hide, helping them control their body temperature, aid in shedding, and protect themselves from predators. A deeper substrate keeps them engaged in natural behaviors like this. But, if you’re wondering, “Do Bearded Dragons Need A Humid Hide?” when kept as pets, the short answer is ‘yes.’ Read this to learn more about this.

Things To Consider:

  • Avoid excessive humidity: when it comes to a deeper substrate, people often use the kind that absorbs and retains moisture for a very long time. Remember to strike a balance using the right substrate composition and avoid creating excessively damp conditions that may cause health issues. 
  • Choose the right substrate: as I told you, you must use substrate composition. Substrates like cotton-based substrates, mosses like sphagnum moss & moist peat moss, wood shavings, or excessive mulch in the tank’s live plants are prone to becoming moldy and are known to promote bacterial growth.
  • Cleanliness: when it comes to bedding/substrate, cleanliness is a priority to prevent the buildup of waste & bacteria. For effective results on the weekly cleaning routine, I’ll advise you to invest in a good quality substrate liner/mat, place it at the tank’s bottom/floor, and then use substrates.

Cover The Tank To Trap Moisture

If you witness ‘bearded dragon humidity too low,’ like 20-30%, there might be too much ventilation. Hence, it’s best to cover the tank partially, which helps trap humidity and increase it quickly.

Also, to know more about what happens at 20% RH and what to do, read my guide “Is 20 Humidity Too Low For Bearded Dragon?”. This approach is cost-effective and directly creates a more humid environment.

Plus, your beardies will feel more comfortable with covers as they offer an enclosed space & sense of security. However, pay attention to what type of cover you choose. It should be breathable and allow a bit of 

Note: Don’t cover the tank if you use other effective methods to raise humidity or can’t carefully monitor the rh because some bearded dragon species may not thrive in consistently high humidity. To know more on this topic,  check my guide on “How Long Can A Bearded Dragon Live In High Humidity,” where I’ve also discussed species that survive the longest in high rh.

Integrate Humidity & Heat Using A Room Humidifier

Your place where beardie’s tank is kept also matters! It’s just that you offer a consistent environment. Remember, you should use a room humidifier, which works exceptionally well for beardies spending hours outside their tank with you.

It also aids in shedding and maintaining optimal conditions during egg incubation. However, be cautious of each beardie’s needs and tailor the rh based on factors like age and health. There are a few benefits and precautions of using a room humidifier, such as:

Works Best For:

  • Shedding season: To help make your beardie comfortable, provide them with humid conditions, which a room humidifier does! Plus, younger ones shed more than adults. RSPCA suggests there’s no rule as to how often it happens.
  • Hydration: If your beardie avoids drinking water directly, a room & tank humidifier can help mitigate this issue. 
  • Comfort: If you keep your dragons comfortable, they may show increased activity. So, always do your best to mimic their natural environment with the right temperature, RH, hiding, bedding, etc.

Things To Consider:

  • Use a hygrometer: Maintaining & measuring constant ranges of recommended humidity is equally important. Thus, you need to pay for a reliable hygrometer, like mine, that does its job accurately. 
  • Size: Based on your setup size, you need to invest in models that fit perfectly & produce cool mist to avoid overheating.
  • Other measures: A room humidifier is not as fast as a tank humidifier in raising rh. So, use this measure as an overall strategy for providing suitable habitat, including proper lighting, heating, hiding, p & substrate.

How To Increase Humidity In Bearded Dragon Tank: 3 Moderately Effective Ways

Warm Up Your Space

Consider warming up your space where the tank is kept to increase humidity to some extent. Increasing room temperature in conjunction with other strategies can effectively raise humidity.

If you live in arid regions where the air is naturally dry, installing & adjusting warmup devices based on seasonal changes should be considered. Warmer air has a higher capacity to hold moisture, leading to a subtle rise in the bearded dragon tank’s humidity.

Use Less Ac & Also Cut Costs

Turning down the air conditioning cuts costs and helps raise the temperature, leading to warmer air holding moisture & increased humidity. But, use this economical approach to balance creating a comfortable living environment and providing suitable conditions for your beardies.

While cutting back on AC usage is a good start, it might not be the silver bullet, especially considering how much your local climate influences indoor humidity levels. Treat this as an extra measure alongside other ways to boost humidity.

Note: Reducing air conditioning, especially in drier climates, may compromise your family members’ comfort. If this happens, consider relocating your beardie’s tank to a spot where the air is warmer or in a room with no AC.

Add Live Plants & Create A Lush Green Oasis

Live plants need soil & frequent watering, which can help alleviate humidity through transpiration. Try the approach because it is also good for beardies’ behavioral enrichment, like encouraging them to explore & climb. But ensure those live plants are safe for beardies’ ingestion because some may nibble on them.

Talking about nibbling, monitor your beardie monitor for any adverse reactions. Choosing the right soil/substrate is equally important to prevent water logging. Also, place the plants in corners or backside to ensure they do not obstruct access to heat & UVB sources.

On the good side, a lush & enriched environment provides mental & physical stimulation and contributes towards improved air quality, a natural & visually appealing environment, and serving hiding areas. 

Note: You must regularly trim & prune the plants you keep in beardie’s tank.

How To Raise Humidity For Bearded Dragon: 3 Effective Ways For Small Deviations

Optimize Water Dish Placement; Beneath or Near The Heat Source

If you want a modest increase in humidity:

  1. Move their water dishes to the hotter side or beneath heat sources.
  2. Note that this approach needs to be more reliable and sufficient to meet every beardie’s or setup’s specific humidity needs. Use this method in conjunction with other approaches.
  3. When moving the bowl beneath the heat source, ensure it’s not overfilled, which may dampen or create an unsanitary environment. 

Choose Absorbent Bedding & Decor To Retain Moisture

As suggested with the substrate approach, choosing the right decor made of absorbent materials helps maintain moisture, leading to increased humidity.

If you find your beardie’s skin dry most of the time or need frequent bathing for proper shedding, check on the decor’s quality and replace them with better ones that are absorbent, toxic-free, and designed for beardies.

Reduce Tank Ventilation To Strike A Balance

The last method that is effective for small deviations in humidity is ventilation. If there’s too much ventilation, moisture leaks from the enclosure, and you must stop it. To trap the moisture, either partially cover the tank as suggested above or reduce tank ventilation, which balances air quality.

Note: Covering the tank may lead to excessive humidity, which might need urgent interference from your side. If that happens, or to be prepared for such fatal occurrences, check my guide on “How To Lower Humidity In Bearded Dragon Tank,” where I’ve shared 10+ proven approaches.

My Final Thoughts With Summary 

Covering the tank partially can quickly increase the humidity in any reptile tank, but that should be monitored. I’ve had great success with in-tank humidifiers, which offer convenience and a straightforward approach to spiking humidity.

Since I work part-time, I can’t be there for my babies, but in-tank humidifiers are a lifesaver. Besides that, adding live plants with the right substrate composition and absorbent bedding helps keep the humidity stable and prevents it from dropping too low.

If humidity fluctuates too often, maybe you need to warm your space, relocate your beardies’ tank, or mist more frequently. That’s all! One more thing, pay attention to water bowl placement. If required, place it centrally or on the hotter side, but mist less with this approach.

Now, I hope you know how to add humidity to bearded dragon tank when it’s low. Since each method has its perks and are not one-size-fits-all, stick with the one that works best for you & your beardie’s tank setup.

If you’ve any other concern on “how to increase humidity in bearded dragon tank” or have more ideas to get the humidity up in bearded dragon tank, share with us in the comment section. We would love to hear what helps you raise humidity in bearded dragon tank.

If you find this article helpful, informative & fun to read, kindly share this with other beardies owner who cares for their scaly friend. Not every beardie owner, especially beginners, knows what our scaly reptilian needs for happiness & best health. And they need to learn what’s good & what’s not good for their pet, especially how to raise humidity in bearded dragon tank. Your shares may help many dragons live healthy & long lives.

A small request: Please follow us on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Quora, and Pinterest, where we share valuable but exclusive content on/for beardies. Do check my other guides, till then, take care, keep smiling and goodbye.