Beardies are famous for their unique appearance and friendly nature. However, they may experience some health issues with their digestive system if owners ignore their diet correctly. One of the most concerning issues for dragon owners is when their pet’s urate appears orange. If you notice an ‘Orange urate bearded dragon,’ it can be a cause for concern.

There can be multiple factors at play that may cause a bearded dragon to urate in an orange color. Since it is often a sign that something is wrong with your beardie’s health, here we will take a deep look at the most common reasons and causes of orange urate in bearded dragons, along with tips to help your pet feel better.

Furthermore, we will also discuss some easy treatment of options that can help you alleviate the signs and prevent this condition from recurring. Always remember that a professional veterinarian consultation is the best you can get to help your pet. However, there is nothing wrong with knowing what is causing bearded Dragons to urate oranges to rule out any underlying health issues before visiting the vet.

Orange Urate Bearded Dragon: 5 Causes (Easy Treatment)

Orange Urate Bearded Dragon: 5 Causes (Easy Treatment)


A bearded Dragon may also poop Orange or urate Orange in color if they do not regularly get enough water. Since urate is a waste excreted in the urine and becomes concentrated, it will appear Orange in color if a dragon is not adequately hydrated. First, providing easy access to clean water and regularly misting your dragon to keep it hydrated is essential.

It is necessary to mist a dragon, especially in a hot climate. Dehydration in bearded dragons can also be caused due to underlying health issues or incorrect temperature. Keep its enclosure temperature at the correct gradient with the basking spot. Even after providing water, if you notice your bearded dragon urate orange consistently, check it by a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health problem & make sure you are not doing anything wrong with your pet care.

High Yeast. 

If you are feeling your beardies a diet containing high levels of yeast, their urate will appear Orange in color. The well-known fungus ‘Yeast’ can be found in the dragon enclosure if you need to pay attention to its maintenance and cleanliness. Make sure to keep its habitat neat and clean with fresh water readily available along with lots of decorations.

Yeast is a fungus that can grow on food and cause skin allergies, irritations, and respiratory infections. Therefore, feeding your beardies with a high amount of yeast will lead to malabsorption of nutrients in your pet but may lead to dehydration and orange urate. To prevent this from happening or recurring, I highly advise you to clean your dragon’s enclosure and correct its debt.

You should provide a healthy diet low in sugar and monitor the tank’s humidity level. If you find any yeast growth in the tank, you should treat it using an antifungal / medication prescribed by a reptile specialist or veterinarian. A veterinarian will also be able to help you out with diet adjustments if required.

Bee Pollen. 

You should avoid feeding food with a high amount of bee pollen as it is a natural source of carbohydrates and sugars. Provide bee pollen to your bearded dragon in an excessive amount.

It will lead to high yeast levels and malabsorption of nutrients in your pet’s stomach, which will further cause dehydration and orange urates in the bearded dragon. Therefore, make sure to only use bee pollen as a supplement in your dragon’s diet and not as a primary food source. Also, monitor your dragon diet regularly to keep it balanced and low in sugar, which could lead to yeast overgrowth if not ruled out.

Too Much Calcium. 

Another possible cause of bearded Dragon Orange urate can be excessive calcium in their diet. If excessive calcium enters your beardie’s bloodstream, it will precipitate in their urine as fine Orange colored calcium oxalate crystals. Even though it is essential to feed calcium to your dragon for proper bone development and healthy metabolism, too much of it can cause reverse effects.

It can cause kidney stone problems & bladder issues, which may eventually interfere with your beardie’s urate color. You should always avoid feeding a diet that is high in calcium to your per but low in Vitamin D3. Also, avoid dusting calcium powder supplements on its insects if this is the problem that is causing the Orange urate dragon.


It is possible for bearded dragons also to have orange urate if they are suffering from any parasitic infection like pinworms. Throughout my research, I also learned that pinworms, like parasites, can interfere with the absorption of nutrients in your pet’s gut and may upset their digestive system, eventually leading to dehydration and orange urate again.

In addition, if you ignore addressing a parasitic infection, it will stress your pet’s body and its immune system. Due to parasitic infection, beardie’s immune system will have to work very hard to fight off and may become dehydrated, leading to urates appearing Orange. If you notice any parasitic infection sign like lethargic behavior or weight loss, do get it checked by a veterinarian. 

Reptile specialists can also diagnose the problem and provide appropriate treatment, including medications. If you don’t maintain good hygienic practices and maintenance of your dragon enclosure, your pet will be infected. Always clean their enclosure and use good sanitary practices when feeding your pet.


Orange urate in bearded dragons can be caused by many factors including hydration, temperature change, stress, dietary change, and even an infection. They may also suffer from digestive issues if you are feeding too much calcium diet with high sugar, high yeast, and pollen. Make sure to follow a systematic approach to treat your bearded dragon’s orange urate, which involves adjusting its diet, including calcium and vitamin D3, to keep it properly hydrated.

Also, ensure maintaining the proper temperature range to reduce stress and treat the infection if found early. You can effectively manage the Orange urate bearded dragon issue with good care and appropriate treatment. After reading this article, I hope you know what causes Orange urate bearded dragons. If you find this article helpful, consider sharing it.

Your share will help many people learn what to do to address Orange urate bearded dragon condition. If your bearded dragon poop appears orange, dry, and crumbly, it might be dehydrated. Never mind checking out other helpful guides on Bearded Dragon dehydrated poop causes, signs, and treatments. Do follow us on YouTube, Quora, and Instagram.