Does your beardie’s tank have some color & aroma therapy? If not, you might be looking for safe bearded dragon flowers. Sprucing up your bearded dragon tank with live plants, herbs, & flowers not only offers aesthetic decoration but also serves as an enriching gift to your pets.

Numerous studies highlight the positive impact that bearded dragons and flowers each have on physical & mental well-being. If you’re like us, your beardies are more than just pets; they’re family members.

Today, you’ll learn about 55 safe flowers for bearded dragons that suit their tank setup! Many of these edible blossoms can make a colorful & tasty treat addition. Read this

guide thoroughly, as there are many flowering plants listed as safe for reptiles, but each contains different compounds & toxins that have the potential to poison your pet if ingested in high amounts &.

Some flowers and bearded dragons sometimes play poorly together. And that can cause stress at best and heartache at its worst. So, let’s start with knowing ‘what flowers are safe for bearded dragons to eat.’ Below is a list of 21 edible flowers for bearded dragons.

Safe Flowers For Bearded Dragons

Nibbling on leaves is a common habit of beardies. Be cautious about introducing the following flowers safe for bearded dragons, and do it gradually. Watching your bearded dragon dragon for any signs of digestive issues or allergies is best.

Just try placing the flower pot for a couple of hours and observe your beardies’ behavior & reaction. If everything is right, leave it there. If not, or your beardie shows signs of stress, remove and reassess the plants. Below is a list of 21 edible flowers for bearded dragons‘ tanks with their plantation requirement for the best result.

1. Clover (Trifolium)

Before you ask, “Is clover safe for bearded dragons?” the answer is yes! But, the answer to “Are all strains of clover safe for bearded dragons?” or “Can Bearded Dragon Eat Clover?” can be tricky, based on the species you have.

Most strains are non-toxic, but it’s wise to watch for any potential digestive issues. Generally, clover plants are safe for beardies and come with small trifoliate leaves, rich in fiber, vitamin K, and calcium.

The flowers can be white, pink, or purple based on species and require sandy loam and well-draining soil with regular watering. Overwatering can lead to root rot and cause bearded dragon humidity too high.

2. Mulberry (Morus Spp.)

This plant has large, lobed leaves up to 6 inches (15 cm). Based on species, the flowers can be white, pink, red, black, or purple with mild, sweet aroma. For their ideal growing conditions, mulberry prefers well-drained soil with organic matter & moderate watering.

However, a quick heads-up: regular pruning for shape & size is necessary to prevent tank overcrowding. The answer to the question “Can Bearded Dragon Eat Mulberry Leaves?” is yes!

However, this is high in oxalate content, which may impact calcium absorption if ingested in high amounts. Also note that mulberry leaves & stems contain saponin, which can irritate a bearded dragon’s digestive system.

3. Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale)

Alright, before you go wondering, “Hey, are dandelions safe for bearded dragons?” well, the short answer is yes! But, regarding “Are wild dandelion greens safe for bearded dragons,” it gets tricky. It depends on which species of bearded dragon you’re dealing with. The answer to the question “Can Bearded Dragon Eat Dandelions?” is yes! You can put dandelions in your bearded dragon tank, but it’s wise to watch for any digestive bearded dragon hiccups.

It’s often harmless but also induces a diuretic effect or impaction if your dragon decides to munch a ton all out. Talking about flowers, you’ll find a cheery yellow & white bunch that opens up at the crack of dawn and tucks themselves in for the night.

Fun fact: Dandelions are like the cousins of daisies. They bring a subtle, bittersweet, &aromatic vibe with hints of citrus and rose. 'Not exactly the hottest trend in perfumery, but interesting, right?😉'

For the care deets, you need to plant them in well-draining and sandy soil. Also, be prepared to offer them a regular drink, but avoid drowning them. As an avid gardener, I know snipping off any dead parts and keeping an eye on their growth to avoid a wild takeover is a must. So, never hesitate to show some tough love & follow this suggestion.

4. Nasturtium (Tropaeolum Majus)

This plant has large, round leaves—up to 12 inches (30 cm), which encourage climbing or trailing habits. Also, its flowers come in various colors, from orange and yellow to red or pink, with a peppery, sweet aroma. You can keep this plant happy by offering well-draining, sandy soil.

Nasturtium is safe for beardies nibbling because it offers vitamins A, c, and D with beta-carotene. Maintainance is easy, as they need minimal watering & occasional trimming/pruning of dead parts. But here’s the thing: you need to support climbing stems.

5. Violet (Viola spp.)

Another awesome plant with flowers like a rainbow coming in shades of blue, purple, yellow, and white is violet. Before you go wondering, “Can Bearded Dragons Eat Violets?” the simple answer is yes. To keep this plant thriving, ensure it’s chillin’ in some moist, well-drained soil.

However, you need to be a good plant parent by snipping off those faded flowers & regular watering to promote continuous blooming, which has a sweet, violet-like smell. But ensure not to water them in the evening as it causes bearded dragon humidity too high at night.

Some people complain about finding bearded dragon humidity 70 at night, often due to frequent watering/misting on live plants. Don’t mind if your beardie buddies try nibbling on it because viola spp packs a punch of vitamins A & C, calcium, and antioxidants (a salad bar for dragons 😋).

15+ Other Flowers Safe For Bearded Dragons 

Tip: Click the picture for better clarity

6. Nasturtiums

7. Mallow

8. Turtle Vine

9. Daylily

10. Inchplant

11. Henbit

12. Zinnia

13. Evening Primrose

14. Red Valerian

15. Deadnettle

16. Pink Purslane

17. Coreopsis

18. Pinks

19. Cosmos

20. Ox-Eye Daisy

21. Alyssum

9 Moderately Safe Flowers For Bearded Dragons

If your little buddy isn’t really into nibbling on the plants around them, even if there are some tempting herbs for bearded dragons, these choices might be right for their tank. However, if your beardies are the type to go full-on snack mode on any greenery you toss in, you should skip these flowering plants. The key here is determining what suits your reptilian friend’s nibbling preferences.

1. Bottlebrush (Callistemon)

If you’re looking for spikes of showy flowers, consider Bottlebrush. Bottlebrush is moderately safe for beardies, considering the edible leaves & flowers. But this offers little-to-no nutritional benefits and poses a risk for impaction. In case of mild impaction, beardies often stop pooping. If your bearded dragon hasn’t pooped in a week, here’s how to massage a bearded dragon to poop.

3. Marigold (Calendula spp.)

Marigold is perfect for fellows looking to add flowering plants regarded as an important symbol. These vibrant flowers represent beauty, warmth, creativity, and a strong drive to succeed.

Interestingly, marigolds have been a symbol dating back to pre-Hispanic Mexico and continue to hold cultural importance, often featured in the Day of the Dead festivities.

Marigold is edible flowers for bearded dragons, Calendula spp is not only safe flowers for bearded dragons but also looks apppealing with this flowers safe for bearded dragons youll not go wrong

Now, for the question: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Marigolds? The answer is Yes! In moderation, marigolds are entirely safe for our beardie buddies and other reptilians.

However, note that excessive consumption could lead to issues like bearded dragon liquid urate, diarrhea, or impaction. If you notice bearded dragon watery poop after introducing marigold, reach out to your vet for guidance.

5. Petunia (Petunia spp.)

Petunia is edible flowers for bearded dragons Petunia spp is not only safe flowers for bearded dragons but also looks apppealing with this flowers safe for bearded dragons youll not go wrong.

This one is popular as an annuals for its long flowering season. But the question “Can Bearded Dragons Eat Petunias?” is yes, but it’s not recommended because of its little-to-no nutritional value. But this one can be used in their tank for aesthetics and diversity.

7. Hosta (Hosta spp.)

Another great variety is hostas, from the Liliacea family, known for funnel-shaped blooms.

Hosta is edible flowers for bearded dragons, Hosta spp is not only safe flowers for bearded dragons but also looks apppealing, with this flowers safe for bearded dragons you'll not go wrong

Before you plant this, remember that hostas’ bloom time lasts only 3-4 weeks, and individual flowers last for only one day, similar to daylilies.

The answer to the question, “Can Bearded Dragons Eat Hostas?” is yes. Leaves are safe for bearing.

But, it is best to keep an eye out for impaction & digestive issues.

2. Lavender (Lavandula)

Another query that most people Google includes is, “Is Lavender Safe For Bearded Dragons?” If Yes, Can Bearded Dragons Eat Lavender?

Lavender is edible flowers for bearded dragons Lavandula is not only safe flowers for bearded dragons but also looks apppealing with this flowers safe for bearded dragons youll not go wrong

Lavender is not toxic and is a safe flowering plant for bearded dragons’ consumption. But you need to know about their strong aroma that often deters beardies.

4. Pansy (Viola Tricolor Hortensis)

Did you know that pansy is also known as the “stepmother” flower in Scandinavia, Scotland, and Germany? Why? There’s a little tale that goes along with the flower.

It is a story about a selfish stepmother that people tell kids while they’re picking off different parts of the blossom. In Italy, they call pansies flammola (little flame).

Pansy is edible flowers for bearded dragons, Viola Tricolor Hortensis is not only safe flowers for bearded dragons but also looks apppealing, with this flowers safe for bearded dragons you'll not

But the question is, “Is Pansies Safe For Bearded Dragons?” If Yes, what’s special about their flower? Well, pansies are completely safe, as long as your beardies don’t eat them too much, which may cause digestive upset. There are many pansy varieties, and some are popular for their pleasant aroma.

I find blue & yellow pansies best with the strongest scent, especially in the early morning & at dusk.

6. Geranium (Geranium spp.)

Geranium is edible flowers for bearded dragons, Geranium spp is not only safe flowers for bearded dragons but also looks apppealing, with this flowers safe for bearded dragons you'll not go wrong

Another question we often get from beardie owners is, “Can Bearded Dragons Eat Geraniums?”. Well, this flowering plant is a good treat for bearded dragons, but I don’t advise keeping it in their tank because of the risk of digestive issues.

8. Resurrection Plant

Resurrection Plants that can also be considered succulents for bearded dragon tanks are moderately safe. However, if you always need clarification on your pet’s hydration, avoid planting these in their tank. Bearded dragon poop no urate when they’re severely dehydrated or eat too much succulents like this.

Resurrection Plant is edible flowers for bearded dragons, Selaginella Lepidophylla is not only safe flowers for bearded dragons but also looks apppealing, with this flowers safe for bearded dragon

Also, few people have found bearded dragon humidity too low after the Resurrection Plant’s introduction in the tank. Plants like this often have difficulty maintaining the tank’s RH when you choose the wrong bioactive substrate for bearded dragons.

9. Lemon Balm (Melissa Officinalis)

Lemon balm, a perennial bushy plant, is known for its aroma and medicinal. But for aesthetics, its inconspicuous white flowers, maybe with a hint of yellow or pink, blooming in the leaf nooks throughout the summer suits many people’s preferences.

Lemon Balm is edible flowers for bearded dragons, Melissa Officinalis is not only safe flowers for bearded dragons but also looks apppealing, with this flowers safe for bearded dragons you'll not go wrong.

Before you ask, “Can Bearded Dagon Eat Lemon Balm?” let me tell you that this green wonder isn’t just eye candy. It’s a clever option for some bearded dragons. Why?

Some dragons might savor every bite like a gourmet dish, while others might only give it a skeptical sniff. Its strong flavor may be equally palatable for all beardies, discouraging them from nibbling too much.

An Advice: If you're not into natural substances/materials to mimic the wild in the terrarium, stop looking at Safe Plants For Bearded Dragons, especially if you've used Tiles For Bearded Dragon Tank as substrate. Why not consider artificial plants for bearded dragons? There are many fake plants for bearded dragon tanks that are completely safe and offer tension-free solutions.

5 Safety Considerations 

  1. Also, ensure you’re purchasing 100% organic and untreated flowers for bearded dragons from a reliable source.
  2. Never use pesticide or chemical residues on the edible plants for bearded dragon tanks. Remove inedible parts to prevent choking and poisoning by following regular pruning & timing schedules.
  3. If you’re using flowering plants in a bearded dragon tank for the first time, monitor your beardies for allergic reactions and observe their eating patterns. Bearded dragons, like humans, can have individual sensitivities. 
  4. If your dragon shows adverse reactions, remove the plant and reassess. Some individuals may not like flowers. But, in case of a positive response, you can gradually increase its presence in the tank.
  5. Any plant in a bearded dragon tank, including moss, siege, succulents, flowering, or live plants for bearded dragons, should not be consumed excessively. 

3 Planting Considerations

  • Keep an eye out for any slack, wilted, or dried bits on your flowering plants, and if you spot any, remove it promptly. Also, remember to give those flowering plants a little trim now and then to prevent obstructing our reptilian friend’s tank.

    The key is to create a cozy space for your beardies, not a jungle gym. Too much growth can mess with their vibe, stressing out your beardies.
  • To prevent tipping and promote good drainage with stability. Go for a sturdy, shallow pot filled with a mixture of fine sand (50%), topsoil (30%), & clay soil (20%) (a little cocktail for your plants).
  • Don’t plant these in a bearded dragon substrate mix because many fancy-type plants require moist soil. They’ll be much happier in a pot, so don’t hesitate to give them their little VIP section. Securely potted plants also help avoid ingestion.

17 Flowering Plants For Bearded Dragons That Need Cautions



Balloon Flower

Bell Flower


Coral Bells


Snap Dragon



California Poppy



Sea Holly


Hoya Australis

Touch Me Nots

10 Examples Of Toxic Flowering Plants That Must Be Avoided

Check this guide to learn more about toxic plants for bearded dragons so you can identify & avoid them better. For now, you better avoid these common ones that can poison any reptile.

  1. Azalea (Rhododendron spp.)
  2. Daffodil (Narcissus spp.)
  3. Daisy (Chrysanthemum spp.)
  4. Tulip (Tulipa spp.)
  5. Hyacinth (Hyacinthus spp.)
  6. Foxglove (Digitalis spp.)
  7. Oleander (Nerium oleander)
  8. Iris (Iris spp.)
  9. Wisteria (Wisteria spp.)
  10. Calla Lily (Zantedeschia spp.).

My Final Thoughts With Summary 

Now, you’ve got a comprehensive list of safe flowers for bearded dragons. I’ll advise you to choose from the 1st list, where we discussed almost 22 flowering plants. All those are 100% safe, nutritious, and edible flowers for bearded dragons. The other 31 listed are moderately safe and should be used in beardies’ tanks with caution as those pose the risk of diarrhea, impaction, choking, and sometimes poisoning if consumed too much. You and your beardies are completely safe if you follow all guidelines.

If you find this article helpful, fun, and informative, please share it with other bearded dragon owners looking for safe flowers compatible with the bioactive substrate for bearded dragons. Every pet deserves a responsible, well-informed, and caring person for the best life. Your one share may be helpful for hundreds of bearded dragons living with plants that may have toxic blooms, and their owners are unaware of that. Informing other beardies’ owners is the best thing we can do for our reptilian friends.

A small request: Follow us on our social media platforms like Facebook, Quora, Pinterest, Instagram, & YouTube, where we share valuable but exclusive content with our loving and respectful beardies’ community. See you in the next post; till then, take care and goodbye.